The AGM is coming
Renew your membership
We couldn't run without your support.
Every membership is vital to keeping our temple doors open.
Going into the new year we are adding on new exciting features to being a member, most notably Matronae's get free attendance to sabbats, spiritual ecology events and one of our special guest workshops.
Please renew via PayPal or Direct deposit below.

Direct Deposit
Please include your membership level as the payment reference: Individual: $60, Matronae: $250, Associate: $120
BSB: 633000 (Bendigo Bank)
Account No: 175027747
All the benefits of 1 associate membership
Admittance to all Temple seasonal ceremonies at no cost
Admittance to all Spiritual ecology workshops at no cost
Admittance to one special guest speaker workshop at no cost​
Additional benefits are often being added ...
​Matronae Membership Benefits
Hover for benefits
Borrow books from the Library
Share in the community garden
Facilitate Temple activities & join working groups
Display & sell artistic works in the Temple*
Advance notice to events at exclusive members discounts
Exclusive Temple Space Rental for personal workshops
Vote at special general meetings*
‘Melissa’ (Temple space caretake) with private Temple access​
Opportunity to become a ‘Guardian’ (Core Temple Organiser)
​Individual Membership Benefits
All the benefits of 1 Individual membership​
Advertising in Temple space, on the website & in mail-outs​
Sell your products in the Temple space*​
Priority on Temple space rental at a discounted price​
URL link & business feature in our online sacred marketplace​
Regular Social Media Features​
A video interview produced by the Temple for personal use​
Opportunity for sacred business mentoring with the Temple​
Invites to exclusive associate member events​
Networking opportunities with other Sacred Businesses
​Associate Membership Benefits

Attend the Annual General Meeting 2022
As a member you are warmly invited, to vote on matters at this year’s Annual General Meeting.
Sunday October 2, 2022, 2 to 4pm
Location: 79 Holmes Road, Moonee Ponds
Come and enjoy a musical performance (and sing-along) by our Temple Artist in Residence, Sue Gee.
Thank You
We appreciate your membership